Should I Buy This 1996 Civic as My First Car?

Btw guys the price is 2500cad or 1700usd

Gable said:
Btw guys the price is 2500cad or 1700usd

At $1,700 Yes .

Keegan said:

Gable said:
Btw guys the price is 2500cad or 1700usd

At $1,700 Yes!!!

Such a great car. And someone obviously took care of it. I have a 2017 F150 with 2x as many miles as this hatchback

Gable said:
Btw guys the price is 2500cad or 1700usd

At 150k km?? Hell yes! My friend bought a '97 1.4 @ 300k km at 2/3rd the price and it’s been as great as ever, if it’s been maintained this well then It will serve you well and long, they are basically tanks

Gable said:
Btw guys the price is 2500cad or 1700usd

Yes that’s a great price

Gable said:
Btw guys the price is 2500cad or 1700usd

$200/month insurance though?? Do you have a really bad driving record?

Marlow said:

Gable said:
Btw guys the price is 2500cad or 1700usd

$200/month insurance though?? Do you have a really bad driving record?

they might be under 25 too, i know insurance is unfairly high for younger drivers (like me :roll_eyes:)

Yes, my first car was a wrx. I was paying 375$ cad per month in high school. It’s horrendously priced

Nova said:
Yes, my first car was a wrx. I was paying 375$ cad per month in high school. It’s horrendously priced

holy SHIT! i paid $430 for full coverage on a civic hatch with progressive… i immediately switched to liability only with statefarm and it’s so much cheaper.

GOD DAMN. I had liability up to 1M, fire, theft and vandalism with a 1000$ deductible for that hefty 375$. Once I sold the car and bought a p71 crown Vic I switched companies and ended up paying 220$ for same coverage.

omg wtf… :sob::sob: im just hoping my insurance drops eventually… im only 20 though so ive got a while til that happens :frowning:

Fox said:
omg wtf… :sob::sob: im just hoping my insurance drops eventually… im only 20 though so ive got a while til that happens :frowning:

I’m 22 currently and have a different crown Vic on my policy now, as well as a dentside ford. Paying 163$ a month, you’ll get there. Just don’t get any tickets.

:no_good_man: im around $180 rn, haven’t had any accidents/tickets but i think my state is also pricey with insurance because we got a LOT of bad teen drivers

Gable said:
Btw guys the price is 2500cad or 1700usd

Definitely for that price, I tried to find a decent 90’s civic around the cities where I live by, and they’re all torn apart, some with peeling paint, and most have engine problems, and yet they still sell for $3k+ USD

Yes I would 100 percent say amazing first car, was my first car also back in 2012 in high school and I’ve had 2 other ones and one of them I have now currently as one of my vehicles… just change the oil every 3000 miles with good oil and check the oil occasionally and you shouldn’t ever have any issues these things are so reliable and good it’s awesome, also a lot of people don’t know but every 15,000 to 20,000 miles valve lash needs to be adjusted which is easy but you could take it to a shop also and it’s like a half hour in labor, also if it was me I would instantly get the timing belt and water pump serviced along with the valve lash being adjusted and then not needed but one thing I always do is replace the spark plugs and replace the oxygen sensors that way you can make sure everything’s running and reading right and then don’t have to worry about much else for like 100,000 miles … they can literally get upwards of 35 to 40 mpg

I had an auto one too before and it was great, check for rust on the rear fenders and under the body maybe… these cars don’t really have like known issues per say, if they sit forever and not driven/broken down they can get gummed up IAC valves causing weird idling but usually they’re great cars, change the oil and don’t wait a long time to change it and the engine will be amazing for you, the engines only ever have issues when people don’t maintain them and oil gets old and thin etc

If you don’t buy it I will. So clean .

How much is it selling for?

Nico said:
How much is it selling for?

Oh sorry to not mention the price… I can get it for around CAD 2500