Should I Buy This 1996 Civic as My First Car?

Gable said:

Nico said:
How much is it selling for?

Oh sorry to not mention the price… I can get it for around CAD 2500

Great price for a great car with not much wear on the engine yet. Looks clean - I’d check for rust underneath it, but for 1,700USD/2,500CAD I wouldn’t leave without the car

It was my second car, great car, very reliable

Yes. If it’s not rusty underneath. If you’re on the rain coast and that car came from the snow/salt coast, the floor will turn into cardboard during the rainy season.

Great cars but they get stolen fast and often

I don’t see why not

Fuck yeah shits nice :ok_hand:t3:

One more thing to add!! very new to cars, and automatic is still my preference. I just want a hassle-free car that won’t strain my budget. Is this 30-year-old Civic beginner-friendly

Yes buy the car

Why not

Let me put it this way: I wish I was still driving my 2000 EX around.

Yes definitely


I would buy this right now. Definitely first car material.