Should I be concerned about this? Does anyone know what the code means?
I have a 2020 Honda Civic EX with 50,000 miles.
Thank you!
Should I be concerned about this? Does anyone know what the code means?
I have a 2020 Honda Civic EX with 50,000 miles.
Thank you!
Your vehicle needs an oil change, tire rotation, full brake and mechanical check, engine and cabin air filters, transmission fluid, and brake fluid. As a Honda employee, I suggest visiting your dealership for these services.
You can check the codes yourself from the middle console. Follow these steps: Home, then Vehicle, then Setting, then Maintenance. You should see what each code means:
B) - Oil change
Would I need a transmission and brake fluid flush?
No flushing is needed. Just drain and fill the transmission.
For the brake fluid, they should remove the old fluid from the tank and add new fluid. To do it properly, they should go to each wheel and drain the old fluid from the lines.
I’m not sure if the dealers do it the right way or just refill the brake fluid tank without draining the lines.
Mann, I be done B12 numerous times already. I think fluids are good too. How do I reset this?
It’s a service code that’s part of the maintenance schedule. But you should change your oil sooner. I change my Civic’s oil every 5,000 miles, and it always shows 55-65% left.
Type that code into Google along with your vehicle’s year and type. It will give you the information you need. You can also do most of the maintenance yourself and save a lot of money. Or you can ask a neighbor, family member, or friend to help you.