Living the dream of a Honda fan… you too?

How do I know you’re living the dream? I see that OEM S2000 hardtop under the gray cover at the back.

Galen said:
How do I know you’re living the dream? I see that OEM S2000 hardtop under the gray cover at the back.

Good eye. It’s even on the original stand, which somehow costs a lot now. I got the AP1 with all the OEM accessories when prices were low in 2009, and the hardtop came shortly after. The price has gone through the roof since then. I don’t think I could afford one now, so I’m really stretching my budget.

Yeah I bought my 00 ap1 in 2007 with 53k miles for about $14k. Lost my job in 2008 as did many, she was repoed in 2009. Couldn’t refi my house to pay it off cuz equity was gone in an instant (plus no stable job didn’t help). Hardest loss I’ve taken, only owed 6k left. I’d do some nasty things to get another, she is effectively my Eleanor. :cry::cry::cry:

How much were the msrp on the stands? I paid $600 a couple of years ago for one.

An S2000 and a Type R? H. R. C. :metal::metal::metal::metal::fire:… I have a Ridgeline and would like to add an Africa Twin or Transalp since my TE300 is mainly for trees. The S2000 would be next.

Remy said:
An S2000 and a Type R? H. R. C. :metal::metal::metal::metal::fire:… I have a Ridgeline and would like to add an Africa Twin or Transalp since my TE300 is mainly for trees. The S2000 would be next.

Got to love the Ridgeline.

Nice garage and fleet man.

Ocean said:
Nice garage and fleet man.

Thanks man! I wish I had more time to enjoy them all but when I do, I use them for their intended purposes.

Axelle said:

Ocean said:
Nice garage and fleet man.

Thanks man! I wish I had more time to enjoy them all but when I do, I use them for their intended purposes.

Same with my little fleet. But I work 80h a week atm, so it’s hard to find time. Lol.

Ocean said:
Nice garage and fleet man.

My flair thing has all of mine. Though it cuts off the 25 Grom sp, and not enough characters to include the Navi. Lol. Next will be either a new XR150, Rebel 1100, or CBR1000RR.

Use just chassis codes! AP1, FK7, SB2, PC62, JC92

Axelle said:
Use just chassis codes! AP1, FK7, SB2, PC62, JC92

Fair enough. I’ll change them when I get 1 more. Lol.

But do you have a Honda generator?

Flynn said:
But do you have a Honda generator?

Will probably have one soon- I do have a Honda push mower.

Would you say you’re a level 7 susceptible?

Carter said:
Would you say you’re a level 7 susceptible?

That’s moon man talk .

Samir said:

Carter said:
Would you say you’re a level 7 susceptible?

That’s moon man talk!

I’m so glad someone else got the joke. The moment I clicked to the second image, I subconsciously uttered The power of dreams. And then rewatched that episode again.

It’s easily one of my favorite episodes of the entire series. My mind went to the exact same place.

Wish I wasn’t poor. My Honda garage is an HRV and an RSX (the non-SUV version).