Is teaching your kids about chrome impacts okay too?

If you can afford an NSX-R, you can afford non-chrome impact sockets. Actually, I’d search for some for the value of that car (about $800,000 CDN).

Jokes aside, that’s a crazy car to learn brakes on.

It’s a USDM spec ‘02, I wish it was an R, but that’s way out of my league.

My oldest is getting really into cars, and the NSX needed brakes, so he was all in. He’ll have his first project car in due time.

An 8th gen with a K20Z3 would give him the same high-revving experience.

Hollis said:
An 8th gen with a K20Z3 would give him the same high-revving experience.

That would be perfect for a first car, but he’s leaning toward an S13/14. His current dream car is an AE86 hatch, but they’re insanely expensive now. The cheapest shell I’ve found is $5k. With Nissans, we can build him a solid car for under $10k with some wrench time. A DC2 GSR would be cool, but it’s not my money :wink:

DC2 GSR is the ultimate! Your kid is crazy (no offense!).

But seriously, he can’t go wrong either way. He’s going to learn to wrench, and that’s one of the best skills to have. Being able to solve problems is crucial in life.

That’s the goal! Can’t wait for him to get his first project, it’s going to be awesome.

Your son is right to want a RWD shitbox. As much as I love my Accord, if I want to have some dumb fun with the boys, I’m definitely grabbing the RWD shitbox.

Your area must be cheaper than mine. Around here, very questionable S13s start at about $8k, and S14s in the same condition cost even more.

It’s a shame that the cars that were once cheap have skyrocketed in price.

You can thank Initial D for a lot of that. Great anime with tons of shitboxes, and people started wanting them.

Murphy said:
You can thank Initial D for a lot of that. Great anime with tons of shitboxes, and people started wanting them.

Initial D definitely played a part, but I think it was inevitable. These cars were treated as disposable for so long. I don’t know how many S13s are left, but I know it’s probably a small fraction of how many were originally made. With how difficult it is to make a car like that today, the numbers are just dwindling, which only makes them more desirable.

Are there any S13/S14s left where you are? I haven’t seen one in ages around here, and the ones that occasionally pop up for sale are ridiculously expensive.

Hollis said:
An 8th gen with a K20Z3 would give him the same high-revving experience.

Not too old to be a pain, not too new to be boring or complicated. That’s the perfect first car for a newcomer right now.

“He’ll have his first shitbox in due time.”

^^^ That’s the way.

Chrome impacts can be impact-rated with some flat black spray paint.

Harlan said:
Chrome impacts can be impact-rated with some flat black spray paint.


Harlan said:
Chrome impacts can be impact-rated with some flat black spray paint.

That’s the spirit.

But then again, it’s a car that’s NOT rusted out and has sizable brakes on it.

Crazy to learn on but actually pretty good for it.

Just spray paint the sockets black and you’re good to go.

Good lord, that’s a beauty.