I have a broken Civic key fob and I’m wondering if anyone else has had this problem. What did you do to repair it without having to buy a new fob? Any affordable solutions?
You can buy just the case without the internals. Dealer or Amazon.
Nevan said:
You can buy just the case without the internals. Dealer or Amazon.
Thanks .
Nevan said:
You can buy just the case without the internals. Dealer or Amazon.
Thanks! Found a solution that looks tougher. Check it out here. Will give it a try! I’ll let you know once I receive it.
That’s not quite the solution you need. You need the replacement key, the part that holds the metal piece. The button part will go into the new key fob, but you’ll have to get a new blank key cut. A locksmith should be able to do that, not a hardware store though.
I had a similar issue. My local car key place was able to replace the plastic casing because the key blade and electronics were still fine, similar to how yours looks. It only cost me about a quarter of what a whole new key would have been.
Thank you! Found a shell on Amazon and it says I can just swap the electronics from my old fob into it.
Here’s a link that could help: Amazon Link.
Sorry, that was the wrong one. But it gives you an idea of what you need. Alternatively, you could use a hot glue gun and black zip ties. Melt the zip ties, and you’ll get fresh black plastic to reattach the key part. Personally, I’d just get a new key blank, have it cut, and use the button part in the new fob. You might as well replace the battery too; places like Walmart and Walgreens will have them.
They sell replacement shells on Amazon for about $5. Just take the inside and actual key from the old fob and pop it into the new one. It takes like 20 seconds. I did it myself, highly recommend.
Remy said:
They sell replacement shells on Amazon for about $5. Just take the inside and actual key from the old fob and pop it into the new one. It takes like 20 seconds. I did it myself, highly recommend.
Yeah, I found some. Thanks .
Mine was loose, so I just super glued it.
Try super glue.
Yikes .
You can buy cases at AutoZone, or use super adhesive.
Happened to all of us, bud. No big deal.
My wife’s CRV key broke. I bought cheap blanks online. Took the key to the CRV dealership to have it cut for about $20. Then I swapped the guts. Done and done.
Super glue if you’re being cheap, or you might be able to buy another fob online (eBay/Amazon) and swap the actual key into a new fob.
Just get some glue from the store and glue that thing back together.
Ira said:
Just get some glue from the store and glue that thing back together.
Not sure if glue could hold it.