What mods would look good on my 2025 sport civic?

Looking for some suggestions on mods for my 2025 sport civic. What would you recommend to make it stand out?

These things look so good stock, that there’s really nothing you need to do.

Clarkson said:
These things look so good stock, that there’s really nothing you need to do.


PPF, that’s it.

kill switch

Window tint.

Black emblems and a cool spoiler .

Reece said:
Black emblems and a cool spoiler!

I don’t know about a spoiler, it’s a very fine line between tasteful and ricey/childish. The black emblems I support 100%. Chrome ruins this front fascia

Nothing wrong with something like a duckbill

Clarkson said:
Nothing wrong with something like a duckbill

Actually that’s the exact thing I was thinking on the good side of the fine line!

These things look really nice with a paintmatched or black ducktail. Rear window swoop into the ducktail looks really nice, you get the same ‘swoop’ line thats on the new 86.

Just get a small one, a big one looks silly on a civic.

Nothing. I have one, no mods needed. Invest in good seat covers minus front due to heated seats. Invest in car mats and a trunk mat. Maybe invest in a good charger for passengers. Erm, all I did interior-wise was install blue trim around the knobs to make it look like my car’s color. That’s the only mod. I did get floor mats acts

I would say nothing?

We match .:sunglasses:

Don’t waste the money on looks. Cold air intake, get it tuned, get a bigger turbo, as I’m assuming it’s the 1.5 turbo. I hate it when people waste money on looks and speakers before focusing on performance.

Sport trim has the 2.0. Can’t be tuned.

Beck said:
Sport trim has the 2.0. Can’t be tuned.

Gotcha. I’ve got a 19 civic. Didn’t know if you’d gone with the ex or exl. Waste of 10k in my opinion to go with the higher trim packs lol. I’d say get a turbo kit for it. They’ve got some really nice t series turbos you can get for em. I’ve been thinking about getting one myself. Cars paid off, 6 years old, 16k on it lol

The 2025 Sport and Sport Touring use the 2.0 but it mostly serves as a generator for the hybrid system that’s really great. 230 ft lbs of torque with 180 hp from the electric motor. The engine only comes on to power the battery if it drops too low or when you’re cruising at highway speeds giving a combined 200 hp with the electric motor, no turbo needed.

Do you really need performance on the city streets and highway? A bigger turbo is a huge difference while you are driving with 130kmh on the highway, or with 20 kmh in the traffic jam.

At least, speakers can make your ride more enjoyable, as the music or any voice quality is better.

I wouldn’t spend on looks either as these cars look awesome out of the box.

If you wanted performance shoulda gotten the si.

Putting a bigger turbo and tune on a 1.5 pretty much ruins the resale value of the thing you just spent a crapton of money on.

These engines are finnicky and this is your daily. Don’t screw with the drivetrain unless you know what you’re doing.