Finally building my del sol after owning it for 10 years

Taylor said:
Wheels and lowering springs don’t make a build… still, nice car.

So, tell me, what makes a build? And let’s see your car!

Noor said:

Taylor said:
Wheels and lowering springs don’t make a build… still, nice car.

So, tell me, what makes a build? And let’s see your car!

I have a wide-body, single-turbo FD now but had an EG hatch with wheels and a drop before too. To me, a build means more custom work and fabrication.

Found the build police! Sorry officer, ‘modifying my Del Sol after ten years.’ But really, show me that FD.

Noor said:
Found the build police! Sorry officer, ‘modifying my Del Sol after ten years.’ But really, show me that FD.

No hate man, it’s a nice car. Just saying it’s different from a full-on build. And yeah, I wish I could post a pic!