Does My '95 EG with an F20B Count as Golden Age?

Hello everyone …

I’ve got a 1995 Honda Civic EG with an F20B engine swap, and I’ve been wondering if it qualifies as a “golden age” build. I’ve heard a lot of discussions about what defines a golden age car, especially in the Honda community, and I’m curious where my car fits in.

I know the golden age is often associated with the late '90s to early 2000s, but my car is from '95, and the F20B is a pretty solid engine. I’m really proud of my setup and the work I’ve put into it, but I want to hear your thoughts.

Does the combination of the '95 EG and the F20B swap count as a golden age build, or is it more of a modern twist on a classic?

Your '95 Civic EG with the F20B swap definitely has a strong case for being a golden age build. The late '90s to early 2000s are considered the golden age for Honda enthusiasts, and your setup combines classic elements with a solid engine upgrade. It’s a cool blend of classic and modern, showcasing the spirit of that era while adding a unique touch.

A '95 Civic with a swap? You’re basically a time-traveling car wizard. Next thing you know, you’ll be installing a jet engine