That’s solid work, respect for getting it done so quick.
Wish I had junkyards nearby with such variety… the ones around here barely have any Fits.
Ridge said:
Wish I had junkyards nearby with such variety… the ones around here barely have any Fits.
Found this front end at a smaller yard I didn’t know existed. There were a few options within 15 miles but in colours I didn’t like as much.
That’s impressive work, nice job.
I want to try something like this now. Did you replace the whole front frame?
Sparrow said:
I want to try something like this now. Did you replace the whole front frame?
No, I hit a crossover that was a bit taller. The crash bar wasn’t touched, just the hood and radiator support got hit by the tow hitch.
Lucky it wasn’t worse. Those wheels look amazing by the way.
Awesome effort.
I can’t unsee the chunky hot air intake though.
Jude said:
I can’t unsee the chunky hot air intake though.
That’s a Blitz SUS-power I imported from Japan.
Jude said:
I can’t unsee the chunky hot air intake though.
Oh wait… now I see it’s just a reflection. My bad.
Taking apart the front end of a car for the first time is wild… it’s all so straightforward! Glad you didn’t just junk the car.
Great effort.
Solid work.
It’s looking sharp, perfect for a daily driver.
Nicely done, looks great.
Way to save it, good job.
Great save… that thing looks so clean.
Hondas are the best for easy repairs like this.