Anyone know where to find this part?

I’m looking for this specific part. Any recommendations on where I can find it?

There’s a bunch on eBay at any given moment

Will a DC2 fit a DA?

I can’t help you here, but just popping in to say once you find one, make sure you go with one that has an airbag.

Sky said:
I can’t help you here, but just popping in to say once you find one, make sure you go with one that has an airbag.

Would airbags this old still be safe? On my old ‘yota, I had a passenger airbag about the same age and it popped unexpectedly.

Yes, airbags from that era are still safe. The chances of one popping are very low, though. I’ve only heard of that happening a few times, and millions of cars are sold each year.